Sunday, January 21, 2024

John Fletcher, ZS1ZR van George SK /SS

Dit is met leedwese dat ek moet aankondig dat die sleutel van John Fletcher, ZS1ZR van George stil geword het.  John is oorlede op Sondag 7 Januarie 2024. Ons betuig ons innige meegevoel met sy vrou Marita, familie en vriende.   Herdenkings berig sal later gepubliseer word.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Covid19 has changed the way we do certain things in Amateur Radio

Image: Bracknell Amateur Radio Club

As the title indicates, certain activities changed in Amateur Radio due to Covid19.   Whether some changes will be permanent in future need to be seen.  It is currently to early to come to any conclusions or final decisions.   However we must adapt to circumstances or be willing to sacrifice certain pleasures in Amateur Radio due to the Covid19 virus.

One such activity is monthly public  get togethers or club meetings.  In our area we have a club as well as a group of radio amateurs that get together.  The club has  quarterly meetings while the  Reboot Group get together on a monthly basis.  Since the pandemic outbreak started all meetings were stopped/postponed.  As the pandemic progress it is clear that it will take some time before we can hopefully safely get together again.

I suggested we use ZOOM at this time as to stay virtually in touch with each other even drinking a cup of coffee while in a ZOOM meeting.  What we have done before can now be done safely with ZOOM without the risk of getting infected.

Setting up a "studio" to broadcast meetings etc. is now underway and we will do the first test streaming on the 1 July 2020 at 19h30.  To make sure that the video quality will be acceptable I needed to install/gather equipment.  The three main "ingredients" for a good video broadcast is:  1.  Good Audio 2. Good Lighting and 3. Good Video.  Many of the equipment needed are currently not available due to the fact that the public bought most stock to stream various services etc.

I needed to think out of the box to get a simple yet acceptable small "studio" up and running with equipment on hand or easily available.  For audio I decided to invest in a USB microphone.  I do have an "elaborate" mixer, sound interface and dynamic microphones on hand but decided to buy the FiFine K669B microphone for ease of use and the availability of space.  This microphone is also used for WhatsApp,  Skype, Zoom, Echolink and AllStar and has shown to be a relative good cheap performer.

Setting up the microphone is a breeze and the final results are amazing for such an inexpensive microphone.

Good lighting was next on the list.  Now my space for a "studio" is very small and I needed to make sure that I do not clutter my work area even further with lights, mics, stands, cameras etc.  For lighting I chose a cheap Chinese LED light which already has a diffuser installed.   This light was manufactured to install into a ceiling and not on a tripod or overhead stand.  I modified the light and it can now be used in many formats.  I made a bracket that screws onto the back of the light.  This allows for easy fitting to any object or stand.  It is not the brightest of lights but will be used as a fill light.  I intend to use a three point light setup to start with.

Now this project is far from complete.  This topic will be updated as I progress with the project.  I am currently looking at building an overhead or wall mount stand which will hopefully also save on the amount of space.  To mount lights, cameras, and other accessories I need a sturdy overhead rig.  I have not yet decided on how I will build mine but have a few ideas up my sleeve.

I am busy constructing a swing arm that will be used to mount either a microphone or a camera.   It is sturdy enough for a microphone or a camera.  I still need to make the mount to attach to either a wall or overhead rig.  The images underneath depict the swing arm.

My green screen that I will be using on ZOOM and OBS under construction:

Busy constructing my H-Frame Light Stands:

Updates to follow as I continue with the project.  Please check back from time to time if you interested in Virtual Amateur Radio Meetings.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drink Events - Southern Cape Area

The Covid19 Epidemic has changed the world forever. A new way of living will bring forth many challenges and changes, some might not like. Changes can be good or bad.   For now no one really knows what the future will hold for many of us.  Maybe a good thing.  But life must go on and we can change our lifestyle to suite our needs.

Covid19 brought the monthly Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drink to an abrupt end.  But this does not mean we have to sit and do nothing or wait until the demise of the virus.  It is still going to be with us for some time.  Good news!!  The Reboot Coffee Drink Events will continue by way of virtual meetings by using ZOOM for the time being.  Those who fear that ZOOM's security is not up to standard.  Rest assure nothing on the Internet is safe from hackers.  However ZOOM are working in making the program more secure which of cause is a ongoing task for many software that we use on our computer.   I am also looking to incorporate other streaming options so as to allow those who would like to use say for instance Google Meet to be able to join via this medium.

The latest from ZOOM:

"Important Notice:  To enhance the security on your account, starting April 5th, meeting passwords and Waiting Rooms will be turned on by default to protect your privacy. As the meeting host, there are some steps you’ll need to take to familiarize yourself with these changes and ensure that your attendees can join your upcoming meetings seamlessly. Please read this article for step-by-step instructions."

I would like to ask members of the Reboot Amateur Radio Group in the mean time to install ZOOM and set it up to connect to the Reboot Amateur Radio  Group/Coffee Drink.  I am currently busy setting up two cameras, decor and lighting to facilitate meetings.  I still do not have a date for the first get together but the first event will only be a general test event and assisting those who have problems to setup ZOOM.  ZOOM can be used on a variety of computers, cellphones and tablets.  You do not need a computer.  A cellphone will also work.

If you do not know how to setup ZOOM then Google is your friend.  YouTube also has many videos to assist you in this regard.  I am the last person to ask as I only joined ZOOM about two weeks ago.  So this will also be a learning curve for me.

I personally think we can make this virtual meetings a great success like the real live events.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Get stuck in and get ZOOM setup and ready.  I will post the first ZOOM Meeting date and time on the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group. 

Looking forward to see all of you joining the very popular amateur radio coffee drink events in the Southern Cape.  Lets show Covid19 that we can still get together and enjoy amateur radio coffee drink events as before.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Important Notification: Severe Weather + Disasters + Emergency Communications - Reboot Amateur Radio Group

Important Notification to radio amateurs:  The Mossel Bay AREDN Mesh Network will be switched on when necessary and will be available should power and normal communication failures occur as a result of predicted severe weather or any disaster which might occur in the Southern Cape. The network will be usable in the Southern Cape Area and will be linked to the Internet, Twitter and AllStar and Echolink Radio Network.  In the event of a power / Internet failure the Mossel Bay Mesh- and Reboot AllStar Network will still be running and available for emergencies. UHF Freq to monitor: 433.400 Mhz FM.

The AllStar and Echolink Network will display the following notification:  Severe WX, Mossel Bay or Disaster, Mossel Bay that relates to the emergency.  I asked that radio amateurs listen and do not call or TX on ZS1I-L unless you have an emergency or traffic.  However radio amateurs are more then welcome to listen on ZS1I-L to activity.

When Reboot AR, Mossel Bay is displayed all radio amateurs are most welcome to use the networks and systems for normal amateur radio communications.

Please note that the Mossel Bay AREDN Mesh Network and Reboot AllStar/Echolink Network will be available to emergency communicators should they wish to use the system.  The Mossel Bay AREDN Mesh Network and Reboot AllStar/Echolink Network are not affiliated or involved in any emergency communication organization.   It is now the time for the younger amateur radio generation to get involved in emergency communications and render a service to their local communities if they so wish.

For all future emergency communications the local amateur radio club (ZS1SKR) or  HAMNET Western Cape can be contacted.  Here is the necessary contact details:

ZS1SKR - abe.zs1zsATgmailDOTcom  or  +27 827681754

Commemoration and Amateur Radio Involvement: Knysna Fires 7 June 2017

On the 7th of June, three years ago fires erupted and impacted the people of the Elandskraal, Belvidere, Brenton-on-Sea and Brenton-on-Lake, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay in ways they could never have imagined. 

Known as the Knysna Fires local radio amateurs also played an important role in providing important information and emergency communications.  For those who are interested here is a after action report that portrayed the involvement of local radio amateurs during these fires:  Report.  Today Vulcan Wildfire post an introduction film as to why they went to Knysna during the fires of 2017 and why they produced a documentary about the fires.  As of today they will begin showing the Knysna Fires documentary in edited Chapters. One chapter each day for six days.   Click HERE  to view all the chapters.

They do this in the hope that you will take the short time it will take to watch each Chapter and take the lessons, shared by those who lived through the fires, to heart.

This terrible event happened three years ago. 

Eight people lost their lives.

Here is three short videos that I compiled of the fire that raged in Heiderand on the 6 June 2017 a day before the Knysna fires. This run away fire damaged several homes.  Thankfully no lives were lost.


One of the radio amateurs on the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group lost his house and all his possessions.  This is what was left of the house of  David ZS1OZ in Knysna.

Despite the loss, David writes: "Yes .It was quite traumatic. It meant that I had to build new gadgets. The thing I did discover is that everyone was helping each other and there is more friendship than animosity in this world."

David ZS1OZ: "This book was produced about the fire. I lost most of my equipment; rigs, spectrum analyser etc."

Thursday, May 28, 2020

DK7ZB Duoband Yagi for 2m/70cm by Kevern ZS1ABU

Kevern ZS1ABU writes:  I will post a few pictures of a Yagi we build a few years ago. It was build mainly to use for the Pears and SARL VHF/UHF Contests. We received many 1st and 2nd places using this antenna. Its cheap to build and all the hardware can be bought from Builders Warehouse, except the little standoffs which was made by Dieter ZS1DWH on his 3D printer. This was made from plans and examples on the well known website :

DK7ZB writes:  The 4-El.-Ultralight-Yagi for 2m can be used on 70cm with an SWR of 1,5 without any changes. The pattern and the currents of the Yagi are shown down. The Yagi has three forward lobes (according to the three current maxima in the 3/2-lambda-radiator) with 5,39dBd - 4,35dBd -5,39dBd gain. We can use this Yagi without any changes on 2m and 70cm.

For more information and diagrams, please visit the well known website of DK7ZB.  Here is the link:
and his amateur radio website at:

Monday, May 25, 2020

Crystal Radio Set - LM RADIO X3 STATIONS AM by Johan ZS6IW Denotter

Click the link HERE to watch the video of the Crystal Radio in operation.

Danie ZS1DBJ George:  Môre Johan. Hoe ver is jy van die AM sender?

Abe ZS1ZS Mosselbaai: More Julle, Ons het 'n spoel gedraai om toilet rolle

Abe ZS1ZS Mosselbaai: en minora skeer lemmetjies gebruik vir verstellings kapasitors en 'n ou kristal oorfoon gebruik om te luister. Was nogal lekker. Johan pragtig jou spoel en luispreker / versterker

Johan ZS6IW Denotter  Hi. Seker so 40 km.
Die ander twee is kerkstasies wat nog altyd op MW is.