Saturday, June 13, 2020

Commemoration and Amateur Radio Involvement: Knysna Fires 7 June 2017

On the 7th of June, three years ago fires erupted and impacted the people of the Elandskraal, Belvidere, Brenton-on-Sea and Brenton-on-Lake, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay in ways they could never have imagined. 

Known as the Knysna Fires local radio amateurs also played an important role in providing important information and emergency communications.  For those who are interested here is a after action report that portrayed the involvement of local radio amateurs during these fires:  Report.  Today Vulcan Wildfire post an introduction film as to why they went to Knysna during the fires of 2017 and why they produced a documentary about the fires.  As of today they will begin showing the Knysna Fires documentary in edited Chapters. One chapter each day for six days.   Click HERE  to view all the chapters.

They do this in the hope that you will take the short time it will take to watch each Chapter and take the lessons, shared by those who lived through the fires, to heart.

This terrible event happened three years ago. 

Eight people lost their lives.

Here is three short videos that I compiled of the fire that raged in Heiderand on the 6 June 2017 a day before the Knysna fires. This run away fire damaged several homes.  Thankfully no lives were lost.


One of the radio amateurs on the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group lost his house and all his possessions.  This is what was left of the house of  David ZS1OZ in Knysna.

Despite the loss, David writes: "Yes .It was quite traumatic. It meant that I had to build new gadgets. The thing I did discover is that everyone was helping each other and there is more friendship than animosity in this world."

David ZS1OZ: "This book was produced about the fire. I lost most of my equipment; rigs, spectrum analyser etc."