Sunday, June 14, 2020

Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drink Events - Southern Cape Area

The Covid19 Epidemic has changed the world forever. A new way of living will bring forth many challenges and changes, some might not like. Changes can be good or bad.   For now no one really knows what the future will hold for many of us.  Maybe a good thing.  But life must go on and we can change our lifestyle to suite our needs.

Covid19 brought the monthly Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drink to an abrupt end.  But this does not mean we have to sit and do nothing or wait until the demise of the virus.  It is still going to be with us for some time.  Good news!!  The Reboot Coffee Drink Events will continue by way of virtual meetings by using ZOOM for the time being.  Those who fear that ZOOM's security is not up to standard.  Rest assure nothing on the Internet is safe from hackers.  However ZOOM are working in making the program more secure which of cause is a ongoing task for many software that we use on our computer.   I am also looking to incorporate other streaming options so as to allow those who would like to use say for instance Google Meet to be able to join via this medium.

The latest from ZOOM:

"Important Notice:  To enhance the security on your account, starting April 5th, meeting passwords and Waiting Rooms will be turned on by default to protect your privacy. As the meeting host, there are some steps you’ll need to take to familiarize yourself with these changes and ensure that your attendees can join your upcoming meetings seamlessly. Please read this article for step-by-step instructions."

I would like to ask members of the Reboot Amateur Radio Group in the mean time to install ZOOM and set it up to connect to the Reboot Amateur Radio  Group/Coffee Drink.  I am currently busy setting up two cameras, decor and lighting to facilitate meetings.  I still do not have a date for the first get together but the first event will only be a general test event and assisting those who have problems to setup ZOOM.  ZOOM can be used on a variety of computers, cellphones and tablets.  You do not need a computer.  A cellphone will also work.

If you do not know how to setup ZOOM then Google is your friend.  YouTube also has many videos to assist you in this regard.  I am the last person to ask as I only joined ZOOM about two weeks ago.  So this will also be a learning curve for me.

I personally think we can make this virtual meetings a great success like the real live events.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Get stuck in and get ZOOM setup and ready.  I will post the first ZOOM Meeting date and time on the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group. 

Looking forward to see all of you joining the very popular amateur radio coffee drink events in the Southern Cape.  Lets show Covid19 that we can still get together and enjoy amateur radio coffee drink events as before.