Monday, April 27, 2020

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Postponement and Cancellation of the Reboot Coffee Drink Events due to Covid19 Virus

UPDATE:  I received several comments/emails on why I over-react in closing down Reboot Coffee Drink Events as per above post. It is plain and simple, I am the organizer of the event. I will not put any of my fellow radio amateurs and their families in harms way be it the virus or any other risk or incident. Apart from this I have important information at hand that contributed to my decision to postpone the events. I am aware that my decision is pro-active, but that is what is now needed to keep the level of infection as low as possible as to not put strain on hospitals and medical staff. No I am not scared of the virus.  I am personally of the opinion that I made the correct conscious decision. I am not willing to debate this topic as I will not reverse my decision in this regard.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Postponement and Cancellation of the Reboot Coffee Drink Events:

Notice is hereby given that the Reboot Coffee Drink that was scheduled for the 21 March 2020 in George has been cancelled and that all other Coffee Drink sessions have been postponed until the end of May 2020.

As the Corona Virus  (COVID-19) outbreak continues to spread, more events are being cancelled or postponed amid travel restrictions and increasing health warnings, with the World Health Organization on Wednesday (11 March 2020) officially declaring a pandemic.

The COVID-19 virus had sickened more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries, with 4,291 deaths, according to the WHO. The number of confirmed cases nationwide (South Africa) escalated and evolved rapidly to 17 according to the  Health Minister Zweli Mkhize. South Africa has recorded 4 new cases overnight, one of them being the first instance of local transmission.

The World Health Organization said in the days and weeks ahead, it expected to see the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of affected countries climb even higher.

In light of credible sources and the fact that the participating radio amateurs in the coffee drink event is in the high risk group, I have taken the very difficult decision to cancel and postpone the Coffee Drink Sessions until the end of May 2020 in the interest of every radio amateur participating in the Coffee Drink Events in the Southern Cape.

A further assessment will be done early June 2020 and I will inform all when the coffee drink session will resume again.

We need to be pro-active and not re-active!!


Johan Terblanche ZS1I
Admin: Reboot Coffee Drink and Reboot Amateur Radio Group

BELANGRIKE KENNISGEWING: Uitstel en Kansellasie van die Reboot Coffee Drink-geleenthede:

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die Reboot Koffie Drink wat op 21 Maart 2020 in George beplan is, gekanselleer is en dat alle ander koffie drink sessies uitgestel is tot einde Mei 2020.

Namate die uitbraak van Corona Virus (COVID-19) steeds versprei, word meer geleenthede gekanselleer of uitgestel te midde van reisbeperkings en toenemende waarskuwings oor gesondheid, met die Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie wat Woensdag (11 Maart 2020) amptelik 'n pandemie verklaar het.

Volgens die WGO het die COVID-19-virus daartoe gelei dat meer as 118,000 gevalle in 114 lande aangemeld is, met 4 291 sterfgevalle tot dusver. Volgens die Minister van Gesondheid, Zweli Mkhize, het die aantal bevestigde gevalle landwyd (Suid-Afrika) vinnig gestyg tot 17 . Suid-Afrika het oornag 4 nuwe gevalle aangeteken, waarvan een die eerste instansie van plaaslike transmissie was.

Die Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie (WGO) het gesê dat daar in die dae en weke wat voorlê, die aantal gevalle, die aantal sterftes en die aantal lande wat geraak word, selfs hoër sal styg.

In die lig van geloofwaardige bronne en die feit dat die deelnemende radio-amateurs aan die koffie drink geleentheid in die hoë risiko groep is, het ek die baie moeilike besluit geneem om die Koffie Drink sessies tot einde Mei 2020, te kanselleer en uit te stel in belang van elke radio-amateur wat aan die koffie drink geleenthede in die Suid-Kaap deelneem.

'n Verdere beoordeling sal vroeg in Junie 2020 gedoen word en sal ek almal in kennis stel wanneer die koffie drink sessies weer sal hervat.

Ons moet pro-aktief wees en nie re-aktief nie !!


Johan Terblanche ZS1I
Admin: Reboot Koffie Drink en Reboot Amateur Radio Groep