Sunday, September 22, 2019

Feedback: Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group – Reboot Coffee Drink Event 21 September 2019 9am STARS Restaurant, Mossel Bay

PDF Version Available HERE

The Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group as well as the Reboot Coffee Drink Event is open to all radio amateurs and prospective radio amateurs in South Africa. All our events are informal !! In other words no politics, no religion and no controversial or personal differences will be allowed or tolerated!!

Saturday 21 September 2019 at 9am was again an enjoyable and successful Coffee Drink session in Mossel Bay at STARS Restaurant. We could not have asked for better weather. About time as the last two events were held in cold and rainy weather conditions. Once everybody bought the necessary refreshments the chin-wagging started!

Those present by way of mind: = 11

Kobus ZS2BBB, Hentie ZS1LH, John ZS1ZR, Hennie ZS1IK, Nick ZS1N, Chris ZS1M, Abe ZS1ZS, Andre ZS1AFB. Johann ZS2BVD, Johan ZS2I and Conrad ZS1KG

Those present in the flesh: = 10

Wessie ZS1VV, Thys ZS1TBP, Francois ZS1Q, Beat ZS1HB, Russel ZS2AHF, Johan ZS1I, Mari ZS1MEH, Danie ZS1DBJ, Willie ZS2CC and Dave ZR1OAC.

All present were welcomed by the administrator of the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group. Once again there was no formalities and the only business of the day was the “Open Coffee Drink Session”. No Rondomtalie/Round Robin etc. However some popular events will be back in October 2019 at the Koffie Drink in George. More info closer to the event. It is impossible to provide all the finer and juicy details of this event. Moral of the story is to attend each and every coffee drink event.

The following topics were discussed and please forgive me if I left some out but I cannot be everywhere at a given time:

  1. DIY Portable Telephone Battery Backup developed by Beat ZS1HB (See diagram and image for more information)
  2. Amateur Radio Noise Floor – Johan ZS1I
  3. Local Repeater Interference – Beat ZS1HB
  4. Interference – Model Aircraft, Riversdale Wessie ZS1VV
  5. SDR Interference Tracker – Johan ZS1I
  6. Interference on the 11m band discovered in Hartenbos and Mossel Bay. (Geyser telemetry a possibility.) - Willie ZS2CC
  7. CTCSS to curb interference on Amateur Radio Repeaters – Open Group Discussion
  8. Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Klub en Bulletin – Opkomende AJV en sukses resep van die dinamiese klub. - Thys ZS1TBP
  9. Amateur Radio Demonstration by Danie ZS1DBJ and Willie ZS2CC at the next Coffee Drink Session in October at Root in George. More info to follow and weather permitting. - Danie ZS1DBJ en Willie ZS2CC
  10. Beat ZS1HB – Constructing a Super J Pole Antenna with far better gain.
  11. Commercial WiFi dishes and Interference. Is it really a problem for the amateur radio frequencies? Open Group Discussion
  12. Name list and call signs of Radio Amateurs in the Southern Cape. Wessie ZS1VV
  13. Repeater Cavity Filters any good for wide band interference? Open Group Discussion
  14. George Repeater Maintenance Danie ZS1DBJ en Francois ZS1Q
  15. HF Radio and Digital Modes (FT8) Wessie ZS1VV
  16. Swop Shop and how it works in the Southern Cape. Thys ZS1TBP
  17. Future and format of the Reboot Coffee Drink Events. Open Group Discussion.
  18. APRS/DSTAR/ALLSTAR and HotSpots – Southern Cape Area – Dave ZR1OAC
  19. No time limit at STARS and Root for drinking coffee iro Reboot Group. - Admin
  20. HF Antennas on 18 Wheel Trucks. Thys ZS1TBP

A big thank you to all for sharing their knowledge with us all. Highly appreciated!


I concluded the event by thanking everyone for attending the event. A special word of thanks must go to Wessie ZS1VV who came all the way from Riversdale. Highly appreciated. Even though the attendance figure stood at 10 four less that George it really does not matter and has no effect on those present and the event. The topics discussed reflected this fact. A great time was enjoyed by everyone!

We look forward to the next Reboot Coffee event which will be held in George on the 19 October 2019 at 9 am. The venue in George will be announced closer to the date.


Johan ZS1I
Mossel Bay
21 September 2019


More information on this J-Pole can be found at: and various other websites to many to mention all here.

DIY Portable Telephone Battery Backup project developed by Beat ZS1HB

Voorbeeld van die dingimalingie's wat Thys ZS1TBP verkoop het by die Koffie Drink!!  (Dankie Johan ZS6IW vir die benaming van die black box !!)