Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What the heck is this Reboot Koffee Drink Event in the Southern Cape?

The short answer is:  It is “something” that works very well in the Southern Cape.  So much so that many of the participants cannot wait for this monthly event.

The short answer does not give justice to the event.  Herewith some more “meat around the bone”.

During a weekly coffee drink session in January 2019 between Johan ZS2I and Johan ZS1I we discussed the so call lack of amateur radio activity in the Southern Cape.  The idea  came from  Johan ZS2I that we should visit a local coffee palour and invite all radio amateurs to come and drink a cup of good old coffee with us.  To make things short this idea became a reality and is now a regular event on the Reboot Amateur Radio calender.

It is with great humbleness that I can now report that every event up to now resulted in an increase in attendees. The coffee drink event is open to all radio amateurs and prospective radio amateurs in South Africa.  We already had a few visitors from up-country that joined the events.

Do you only drink coffee?

No this is where the success story evolved.  As with the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group we have set some guidelines. They are: 1. No club activities are allowed to be discussed at the event. 2. No amateur radio "politics" of any kind. 3. No country politics of any kind. 4. No religion discussions of any kind. 5. No bashing, barging or fight picking and foul language of any kind.  These guidelines solved a lot of past issues.  The coffee drink events are all informal and NOT a formal meeting of some sorts.

The main drawcard is not the coffee but rather the “Rondomtalie/Round Robin”  Mini Lectures and Demonstrations.  Now what on earth is “Rondomtalie/Round Robin”?  I am not going to answer the question here but would rather refer you to our Feedback Reports with photos available at:

Now why mention all this here?  Do you try to brag?

No not bragging or boasting.  I received several requests from various regions that showed an interest in the format we use.  Some clubs are batteling with attendance figures as in today’s life there are to many formal meetings.  Sounds familiar?    Now many has expressed their dislike in attending amateur radio club meetings. (NO PUN INTENDED)  A wide variety of radio amateurs would like to enjoy an informal get together without having to listen to formal club matters.  I post this topic in the event that other regions would like to follow our format.  Yes it is not for everyone but it is working exceptionally well in this part of the country.  After two hours I must intervene and try to close down the event as other members of the public might also want to drink coffee.  Interest by the public in what we are doing are now also becoming quite prevelant at the gatherings.  Hopefully this will draw new blood to amateur radio. Many radio amateurs that visited the events  expressed their dismay at the fact that the gathering only last two hours.

Finally:  This event is not a one man show!!  It is not about figures of how many attended but rather about camaraderie, friendship and meeting up with good friends.  It is also an escape from formal amateur radio meetings.  Something many dislike and one reason for not attending such meetings.

The success lies therein that without the participation of those present at the coffee drink, this event is surely to have failed but thankfully it is growing and amateur radio activity is once again on the increase in the Southern Cape.