Sunday, February 24, 2019

Reboot Amateur Radio Whats App Group Coffee drink events Mossel Bay/George

I started the Reboot Amateur Radio Whats App Group a few months back to create more activity among radio amateurs country wide.  The membership started out slowly with 4 radio amateurs but has since grown to 21 participants.  On this group we exchange anything related to Amateur Radio.  From the oldest technology till the latest new technology.   This group has become very popular and all South African radio amateurs are welcome to join this group.  Just send you name, call sign and cell phone number to sawois04 AT gmail DOT com

A further idea between myself and Johan ZS1I has seen the light.  We decided that the group will have a coffee drinking get-together once a month alternatively one month in Mossel Bay and the next month in George.  The first meeting was held at STARS in Mossel Bay in November 2018.  The December 2018 event was skipped due to the holiday season and a lack of a suitable venue.  The January 2018 event was held at Deacon Bistro in George and the February 2018 event again at STARS in Mossel Bay.  The attendance figures increased with every coffee drinking session.  This is great to see old friends again.  It is not about attendance figures but chatting to radio amateur friends.

Example of invitation:  Notification:  Reboot Coffee Drink Occasion - 23 February 2019 09h00 (9 am)  Place:  STARS Restaurant, SPAR Shopping Centre Mossel Bay.  We as radio amateurs will visit STARS to gather around a cup of coffee.  Everybody is welcome to join us.  I also invited radio amateurs that's not on the Whats App Group.  I have my doubts about the validity of some email addresses.  If you have any contact with other radio amateurs, please invite them/him/her to join us for a cup of coffee.  Please bring your project, new radio or point of discussion to the gathering.  Please note the Reboot Amateur Radio Whats App Group is NOT club related or affiliated or a new club in this area.  We are just a bunch of radio amateurs that loves coffee and talk about amateur radio.  No politics or club matters will be discussed or allowed!!  Ps.  You pay for your own coffee and or order.  See you there!!

I will in future compile a feedback report on what was discussed and demonstrated at the session.

Herewith three photos of the radio amateurs that attended the three coffee drinking events.

1st Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drinking Event 17 November 2018

2 nd Reboot Amateur Radio Coffee Drinking Event 19 January 2019

3 rd Reboot Amateur Radio Coffe Drinking Event 23 February 2019

Here is a few images of the projects discussed and demonstrated at the event.

HF QRM Noise Canceller as demonstrated by Thys ZS1TBP

Magnetic Loop Antenna by Danie ZS1DJB

Capacitor Matching Mag Loop Danie ZS1DJB

Size of the Magnetic Loop Antenna

Solar Power Supply/Generator by Johan ZS1I

Danie ZS1DJB also demonstrated his Arduino Baofeng Programmer. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the programmer but will in future take photos of all projects at these events.

Thys ZS1TBP demonstrated an Interference Black Box (HF QRM Noise Canceller) he recently obtained to minimize and eliminated noise at his QTH.  Now this is really a handy unit to have, especially if you are plagued by interference.  I will upload an image as soon as I receive it from Thys.

A feedback report was compiled but is unfotunately only available in Afrikaans by request.

A big thank you to all who attended these meetings and make it the success it currently is.  After all it is about Amateur Radio the hobby we all love!!!