Monday, July 22, 2019

Feedback: Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group – Reboot Coffee Drink Event 20 July 2019 9am STARS Restaurant, Mossel Bay

MP3 audio version of this report is available HERE.
PDF version available  HERE

The Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group as well as the Reboot Coffee Drink Event is open to all radio amateurs and prospective radio amateurs in South Africa. All our events are informal and not club related in any way!!

Saturday 20 July 2019 was a cold and wet winters day due to a strong cold front that resulted in gale force winds, rain and snow on the high mountains of the Western Cape. But as they say in the classics the show must go on. Only the “brave” attended the Coffee Drink session in Mossel Bay which was again an enjoyable and successful event despite the low attendance figure.

Those present by way of mind: = 21

Kobus ZS2BBB, Mari ZS1MEH, Hentie ZS1LH, Jacques ZS1WC, Danie ZS1DJB, Dave ZR1OAC, Ettiene ZS008, Christi ZS4CGR, John ZS1ZR, Hennie ZS1IK, Nick ZS1N, Georg ZS1GFL, Chris ZS1M, Casey ZS1AAS, Abe ZS1ZS, Jimmy ZS1RB, Willie ZS2CC, Llewellyn ZS003, Conrad ZS1KG, Andre ZR1E en Johann ZS2BVD.

Those present in the flesh: = 6

Johan ZS2I, Thys ZS1TBP, Francois ZS1Q, Beat ZS1HB, Russel ZS2AHF and Johan ZS1I.

All present were welcomed by the administrator of the Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group. Once again there was no formalities and the only business of the day was the “Rondomtalie” / “Round Robin”, Mini Lectures/Demonstrations. (Participation is not compulsory! You can just sit and enjoy your coffee and learn.) It is impossible to provide all the finer and juicy details of the event. Moral of the story is to attend each and every coffee drink event.

Rondomtalie/Round Robin:

  • Beat ZS1HB Mossel Bay displayed the DIY 2 Meter J-pole Antenna he constructed. He gave and overview of the working of this large and well built antenna. He indicated that this antenna will be used as a replacement antenna for the 145.600 Mhz Danabay Repeater. The J-pole antenna was constructed from 22mm copper water pipe. The antenna is fitted with a fine tuning bolt to adjust for the lowest SWR. Beat confirmed that the SWR reflected iro the antenna is 1:1 at 145.600 Mhz. The attached photos and documentation were supplied by Beat for distribution to any radio amateur who is interested to build such an antenna. After the J-pole discussion/demonstration Beat gave an update from his previous talk on the AIS (Automatic Information System) for ships and how he monitors VHF propogation all along the southern coast of South Africa. This discussion also included aircraft tracking and aircraft scatter. Thys then explained how APRS is used in 18 wheelers to also monitor VHF propogation. Most interesting!!
  • Russel ZS2AHF George told the participants that he is busy restoring a grand old Kenwood TS520S HF Radio. He is currently experiencing a problem to locate the “paddle” or “bat-handle” switches (Send Receive, Vox, Noise Blanker etc.) for this spesific radio. One cannot find new replacements anymore. If anybody can help to relocate a scrapped TS520S or 3D printed “paddle” or “bat handles” Russel will be most greatful. Russel is also busy constructing a LED Stand Alone Frequency Counter for this Kenwood TS520S and will keep us updated on his progress in future. Come on guys let us try to help Russel to get this fine old “lady” radio again in a full operational state!!
  • Johan ZS1I Mossel Bay displayed the Southern Cape 2 Meter Hospital Slim Jim Antenna. He explained where the name for this antenna originated from. This antenna was constructed by Johan ZS1I many years ago when Isak ZS2I (SK) was in the local hospital in Mossel Bay. He had a HT radio in hospital but was not able to get into the 145.600 Danabay Repeater from his hospital bed. This antenna was taken to the hospital on several occations. Isak was able to communicate with his fellow radio amateurs through the repeater while in hospital. This antenna is still today available on loan to any radio amateur who would like to use it from the local hospital in Mossel Bay. One would find it strange for somebody that was sick in hospital to still speak to his fellow radio amateurs for his hospital bed. Those who knew Isak (SK) would know that nothing was to much for him in life. He lived a full “Amateur Radio” life till the end!
  • Johan ZS2I Mossel Bay (Just for clarity Johan is Isak’s (SK) son and he now hold the callsign ZS2I) If Johan tells you that the current sun cycle is near the bottom and responsible for poor HF conditions then you must know that he knows what he is talking about. Johan an avid DX Chaser gave an overview of the current HF band conditions and DXpeditions. He however stressed that there is still openings at times and that one must be patient. He encourage all radio amateurs to call CQ on the bands at any time and not just except the fact stated by so many that the bands are “dead”. CQ CQ CQ.....!!!!!!
  • Francois ZS1Q George recently acuired a new 2m HT radio. He wanted to connect this radio to an external antenna but the connector on the radio required a specific adapter which is not locally available in George. This was no problem for Francois and he decided to construct a unique extension cable from parts that he salvaged from other old radios. This extention cable works far better than the advertised connector as it is far more flexable to use and easier to install to the radio. Francois you should patent your extention/adapter cable for future marketing.
  • Thys ZS1TBP Mossel Bay. We were all glad to see Thys at the session as his work do not always allow for him to attend the coffee drink sessions. Thys displayed and demonstrated the working of a homebrew USB Soundcard Interface that was designed and constructed by Danie ZS1DBJ. (currently visiting Australia). Danie designed the PCB with an on/off switch, RX/ TX volume controls and a PTT force switch. Thys has been using this unit very successfully on his Kenwood TRC80 and it is working flawlessly.

Other matters discussed by the participants:

  • FT8 DX and Normal Modes and Changes.
  • Tracking Aircraft and Flight Radar. (ADB-S)
  • Interference and rising RF noise levels. It is not going to get better just worse!
  • Ship to Shore Beacons. (AIS)
  • APRS and 18 wheel trucks.
  • Sun Cycle and HF Bands.
  • Painted antennas do not work? Is this true?
  • How to make the Hospital Slim Jim directional. Wil cleaning the antenna on the one side make it directional?
  • Static electricity and HF antennas on large 18 wheel trucks.
  • Interference on HF coming from the ABS braking system on large 18 wheel trucks.
  • Lightning, static discharge and amateur radio antennas, earthing/grounding, protection etc.
  • Short amateur radio related story from the past - 2 meter repeater ragchewing in the Southern Cape (1am to 4am in the morning) by those who cannot sleep at night.

A big thank you to all the participants for sharing their knowledge with us all. Highly appreciated!

Finally: A new coffee drink record (2 hours 12 min) was set during the event. Record? NO attendees just enjoyed themselves so much that time was no factor at all.

I concluded the event by thanking everyone for attending the event. Even though the attendance figure stood at 6 it really does not matter and has no effect on those present. The topics discussed reflected this fact. A great time was enjoyed by everyone!

We look forward to the next Reboot Coffee event which will be held in George on the 17 August 2019 at 9 am. The venue in George will be announced closer to the date.


Johan ZS1I
Mossel Bay
21 July 2019


J- Pole Construction info - ZS1HB
 J-Pole Radiation pattern - ZS1HB
 J-Pole Plan - ZS1HB
DIY Extension Cable - ZS1Q

 Thys ZS1TBP admiring the work of Danie ZS1DBJ
 USB Sound Card Interface - ZS1DBJ
 The large J-Pole constructed by Beat ZS1HB
 Close up USB Sound Card Interface displayed by Thys ZS1TBP
 Beat ZS1HB with the 22mm copper J-Pole antenna
 The 6 BRAVE men enjoying themselves!!

 The Southern Cape 2m Hospital Slim Jim - ZS1I
 Bottom section of the Southern Cape 2m Hospital Slim Jim
 Snow on the mountains
 Cold cold cold!!
Snow on the mountains - ZS1Q

The 2m/70cm DipYag/Dipole Antenna Project

Update to follow on this antenna.  Be sure to check back soon!!

This project started in December 2002 when I built the 2m Dip Yag antenna.  See post:

The DipYag antenna worked exceptionally well but is was only a 2m antenna and I was looking to use a dual band antenna.  I ran into the DK7ZB Duoband-Dipole for 2m/70cm and decided to use the 2m and 70cm design from DK7ZB except that I choose a gamma-match instead of the DK7ZB matching unit.  The gamma match served me well through the years and does have its pro's and cons.  One thing that I like is the fact that you do not need a watertight case to house the matching unit one of the reasons for using the gamma.

I had all the aluminum and parts readily available and the construction was done when I had the time.  Here is an images of the material I used.

Bill of materials:

1.  1 x 1.5m (16mm OD) Aluminum pipe
2.  1 x  535mm (25 x 25 mm OD) Aluminum square tubing
3.  1 x  150mm Coax Centre and Dielectric
4.  1 x  200mm Gamma Rod (10mm) length
5.  1 x  SO239 Aluminum bracket ( 25W x 35L x 45 H mm) hole 15mm.
6.  1 x  SO239 Socket (Four hole type)
7.  2  x 10mm flat aluminum to construct the matching clamp (See images)
8.  8 x 19mm Stainless Steel selftapping screws
9.  1 x 23mm Stainless Steel Bolt + lock nut
10.  1 x 28mm Stainless Steel Bolt + lock nut
11.  2 x TV U clamps to fit installation pipe
12.  1 x 12mm x 15mm x 8mm Aluminum plate
13.  1 x 70mm x 100mm Nylotron (white cutting board)
14.  1 x  30mm x 60mm Nylotron (white cutting board)
15.  2  x 35mm Stainless Steel Bolts + lock nuts
16.  4 x 13mm ID plastic end caps
17.  2 x  21mm ID plastic end caps
18.  1  x 10mm OD rubber end cap
19.  Marine Sealer Silicone
20.  Self vulcanizing electrical tape

I am not going to go into great detail here as there are more than enough info here and also in the links